Sinha Medical Acupuncture Research & Training Centre is a leading clinic for acupuncture in Delhi and NCR , it is run by Dr.Arindam Sinha MBBS (KGMU Lucknow) MACP (USA) LLB DAc.(Colombo) PGDACP (Delhi) who under direct Patronage of Dr.A.K.Sinha DAc.(Swiss) FAcF (Sri Lanka) MAcF (India) who is practicing this ancient Chinese science for last 40 years , he has treated thousands of patients successfully. He is a specialist in treatment of SCIATICA , POLIOMYELITIS, ASTHMA , MIGRAINE , PARALYSIS , ARTHRITIS ,GOUT , CERVICAL SPONDYLYTIS , and cosmetic problems like ACNE / Pimples and Under Eye DARKENING.
If you are fed up with the tedious process and uncertain results of symptom based approach to treat chronic diseases , you have come to right place . Here all your queries about your disease and acupuncture will be answered to your satisfaction.
Feel free to ask questions on mail. THANK YOU FOR VISITING
Our Story
The history of inception of this Team goes back to late 70’s when Dr.A.K.Sinha started acupuncture clinic in Delhi & Ghaziabad with the name Sinha Acupuncture Centre, which was changed in 2007 to Sinha Acupuncture Research Centre with inclusion of Dr.Arindam Sinha , Dr. Gargi Sinha , Dr. Nilotpal Das, Dr. Chumkai Dey Sinha. In 2011 Dr. Rajeev R. Srivastav and Dr. Vartika Shukla joined the team making it the biggest Medical Acupuncture Clinic in Delhi and Ghaziabad when it was re-named Sinha Medical Acupuncture Research and Training Centre.
This center popularized Acupuncture among the masses with ground breaking results in a time when the name Acupuncture was unknown to many. Today fourth generation patients visit us with stories about the Great-Grand Parents being successfully treated here in late seventies or early eighties.
Meet the Team
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Why? Because people want to know who they’re doing business with. It’s a human thing.
Dr. A. K. Sinha
Founder & Patron
Acupuncture in Delhi was pioneered by Dr. A.K.Sinha in the late seventies after learning from Dr. Anton Jayasuriya. He has cured thousands of patients from all walk of life using his exempellary skills and clinical acumen. He propogated Acupuncture among the masses. He is the founder of Sinha Acupuncture Centre Ghaziabad, which later bloomed into Sinha Acupuncture Research Centre Ghaziabad. He is also the Co-founder of Sinha Medical Acupuncture Research & Training Centre at Kalkaji New Delhi, Salt Lake Kolkata, VIP Road Kolkata, Agartala Tripura, Kailashahar North Tripura. He is patron of Arvindam Acupuncture NH 24 Ghaziabad
Eric Teagan
Vice President
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Timothy Barrett
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